martes, 2 de diciembre de 2008

Don´t relieve the hype!


Lifestyle,how people live their lives.
Labor-saving,saving time or effort.
Gadget,a device/tool-often elctronic.
In reality,actually.
Bulky,large or heavy;not compact.
Watchdog group,an organization to protect consumers.

Comprehension questions

1.Most of people think that can ­improve their lifestyles leading a healthy life,more exercise and a suitable form of eat,and have more free time.
2.The presenters of this kina of tv programmes are attractives,slip and suntanned.
3.Sarah have not ese her juicer for six months.
4.Wachdog group advine that consumers should think carefully befote buying any of these products.
5.You must have careful and dont relieve the hype.


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